Report Cruelty


If you need to report animal abuse or cruelty in Merida, you can contact correct department at the local government office at this number from 8:00 – 20:00

+52 999 924 4000 ext. 070

You will be asked for the following information:

Your full name. If you request anonymity they commit to protecting your information

Your full address

Your contact phone number

Details of the abuse

Most importantly, you will need to be able to provide the complete address, where the abused animal is located as well as the person responsible for the animal.

The type of reports accepted include:

Acts or omissions, against animals.

Animals used for work that exceeds their resistance or that are not typical of their species.

Carelessness in the place where they live: in poor ventilation, mobility or hygiene conditions. Without adequate food and water.

Animals without timely veterinary attention or in a state of abandonment.

Practices where the animals are supplied with substances without therapeutic purposes or veterinary medical prescription.

Animals caged or tied for eight hours or more, in overcrowding, without enough space for their mobility or in the open.

All those actions or omissions that cause a physical, instinctive and emotional deterioration in the animal.


You can make emergency reports anonymously by calling 089

For reporting other types of cruelty or animal abuse in the State of Yucatan, you can do so through State Attorney General’s Office. 

You will need to make an in person report at one of the following locations (opening hours are listed):


Monday to Friday 8:00 – 22:00

Poniente: Base Attorney General’s Office – UNATD,
Km. 46.5, Periférico Poniente, Polígono Susulá – Caucel

Hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

North: Investigating Prosecutor’s Office No. 35, Calle 53 S / N x 48 y 50, Cordemex Housing Unit

Oriente: Investigating Prosecutor’s Office No. 32, Calle 61 S / N x 20 D y 22, Fraccionamiento Fidel Velázquez.

South: Investigating Prosecutor’s Office No. 33, Calle 60 S / N x 147 and 149, Col. San José Tecoh II.

You will be asked for the following information:

For cruelty and abuse reports

Official identification.

Full address where the abused animal is located.

Photographic or video evidence.

As many details as possible.

Witness statements.

For dog bite reports

Doctor’s medical certificate and photographic evidence of injuries.


If a dog is unowned and subject to intentional cruelty or abuse, provide as much information as you can and your contact details. 

The types of reports that are accepted include:

Causing the death of an aimal without prior authorization from a veterinarian, and without complying with official Mexican and environmental regulations.

Mutilations or physical alterations without the supervision of a specialist.

Animals experiencing suffocation, deprivation of air, light, water and a space in the open without medical care according to their species.

Long term neglect.

Animals in immediate danger, including acts of zoophilia or dog fighting.

Dangerous dogs.

For more information, visit the government website.

Quintana Roo